Ciudad: Granada
Oferta: Cursos de español en Granada
Publicado: 2015-06-08
Vistas: 6
Número de serie:vndD2Jjn
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Durante todo el curso 2014-2015 ofertamos cursos de español para todos los niveles. Ofrecemos cursos de español para todos los niveles, grupos reducidos( máx. 8 alumnos) durante las mañanas y las tardes. Precio: 210 (40h) 2 horas/día Nos encontrarás en : Elece-centro de estudios c/poeta manuel de góngora, 4. interior galeria alminares. local 10 (entrada junto a óptica primera) www. elece-granada. es www. elecegranada. com
Hola a tod@s, We are Pylmon Barcelona, a language school specialized in teaching Spanish. Our main goal is the quality of our classes, we are also an accreditated Instituto Cervantes Center New spanish course for Advanced level C1. Start date: Every
Profesor particular con máster en enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera. Imparto clases de español como lengua extranjera a todos los niveles de acuerdo con el MCER (A1 a C2). Disponibilidad y flexibilidad completa y currículo diseñado según la
If you are staying in Mallorca for a few days, or for more than that, you can be sure to learn all you need to speak proper Spanish in little time. Grupal or individual lessons delivered by a native speaker. Don t hesitate on calling!!
Buenas, soy diplomada en magisterio de inglés, el cuál lo llevo enseñando 7 años, en casa y escuelas. ademas, he estado viviendo en escocia 2 años, enseñando español. me encanta enseñar idiomas, y trabajar con niños o adultos. el precio y día son fle
Spanish course intensive. all days (monday to friday) in the morning (9. 30-11. 30). for 2 weeks (20 hours). price: 60 euro. corso di spagnolo intensivo. tutti i giorni (dal lunedì al venerdì) orario di mattina (9. 30-11. 30) per due settimane (20 or
Recommended for students and professionals that want a complete language immersion. This intensive Spanish course allows for effective progress in a limited time. http: //www. paraninfo. com/
Recommended for those students and professionals that require a general Spanish course. http: //www. paraninfo. com/
Hola a tod@s, We are Pylmon Barcelona, a language school specialized in teaching Spanish. Our main goal is the quality of our classes, we are also an accreditated Instituto Cervantes Center New spanish course for Pre-Intermediate level A2. Start date
Native spanish teacher with more than 4 years experiencie teaching spanish. Offers spanish clases for foreing students and workers in skype. All levels. Private clases. You to learn spanish quickly. 12/hour
This Spanish course is ideal for ERASMUS students who require a high-quality Spanish course within a short or long time frame. It has been designed to cover particular students needs or any special interests. Tired of paying for being in a classroom
Spanish Courses in Cervantes College, Murcia #Cours d espagnol# #Spanichkurse# #Corsi di spagnolo# #Learn Spanish# in Cervantes College #Entensive Spanish Courses# (3h/week)-25 - All included) Maximum for 8 students per group.
SPANISH COURSES AND MORE Thinking about coming to Madrid to learn Spanish? Visiting the city with family and friends? I can assist you in organising the ideal package: Where to stay Car rentals Museum and cultural visits Spanish classes If you also
Spanish courses A Spanish course at Paraninfo is an excellent cultural, interesting and complete experience. Communication, learn and enjoy the Spanish Language. Spanish Courses at Paraninfo Language School - Learn Spanish Classes of Spanish at Paran
SPANISHHEAVEN. COM Spanish courses in Spain, Andalusia. At our school you ll learn Spanish while spending time in Spain and getting to know the country s culture and people. +INFO Spanishheaven. com
Take the most from your computer and Internet. One to one clase. E-mail, Internet, Word, Excel, Web design, etc Users from all levels are welcome. Benalmadena - Mijas - Marbella
If you want to do a Spanish course in Valencia, contact Euroace language school. We offer a wide range of courses (different number of hours per week, private lessons or in small groups, the length you want, etc. ). We are in the city centre of Valen
3x60 minute spanish lessons, monday to friday. Total: 15 weekly lessons Price: 150/week (all included) Maximum of 8 students per group whith a minimum of 3 students. This is the ideal course for those who want to learn as much Spanish as possible du
Are you living in Madrid but still cant speak Spanish properly? Well, thats no longer a problem! At Sylex (www. sylexsl . com) we can adapt to suit your objectives, skills and level so that you can learn Spanish easily and quickly. Our professional
STiM specialises in teaching Spanish as a foreign language and our greatest asset is our teachers. The academic team consists of native Spanish speakers, with extensive experience in teaching Spanish. 4 hours a day during one week where we teach a co
PRIVATE TUITION. Clases particulares presenciales u on-line por Skype. Horario a convenir. Profesora con formación y experiencia en la docencia: nivel primaria, secundaria y personas adultas.
El próximo mes de Mayo comenzará un curso de español nivel B1 Horario : Consultar Precio: 210 (40h) 3 horas/semana Nos encontrarás en : Elece Idiomas c/poeta manuel de góngora, 4. interior galeria alminares. locales 2, 3 y 10 www. elece-granada. es
If you want you or your children to learn Spanish, please contact me and I will tailor a course to your requirements. A diploma-qualified teacher of Spanish, I have over 7 years experience instructing people of all age groups and levels. In addition,
Thinking about coming to Madrid to learn Spanish? Visiting the city with family and friends? I can assist you in organising the ideal package: Where to stay Car rentals Museum and cultural visits Spanish classes If you want you or your children to le