Ciudad: Alicante
Oferta: Abogados en Torrevieja
Publicado: 2014-11-23
Vistas: 3
Número de serie:eno37Y3n
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LAWYERS law firm in Spain. Specialised judicial and out-of-court settlements. All kinds of penal, civil, and commercial matters. Spanish lawyer. Based in Orihuela Costa-Alicante-Torrevieja. Activity ranges throughout the country anywhere in Spain. We solve any legal issue you might have with our vast experience. Solicitor experienced in providing legal advice to foreign citizens. Free Consultation. Contact us
Based in Orihuela Costa-Alicante-Torrevieja. Activity ranges throughout the country anywhere in Spain. We solve any legal issue you might have with our vast experience. Solicitor experienced in providing legal advice to foreign citizens. We can provi
I would like to manage a mediation based on a discrimination issue and/or a litigation in the area of employment. Therefore, I expect to find a reliable person, who very discretely & persuasively attend this matter smoothly with confidence. Thus, I c
AlpeJurídico provides you a multidisciplinary service, specialized in a wide range of legal areas and it also has the support of professional consultants and economists to offer you a complete service suited to the circumstances of each case. Civil L
When you know that your all legal matters and paperwork are being taken care of by a reliable bureau, you have peace of mind. we work hard to make sure that all your fiscal matters are always dealt with in due time. We also help you with any paperwor
We also help you with any paperwork you may need when arranging for all the necessary services in Spain. When you know that your all legal matters and paperwork are being taken care of by a reliable bureau, you have peace of mind. We work hard to mak
Advocat amb despatx a Girona, CONSULTA GRATUÏTA Estrangeria, familia, trànsit, reclamacions. . . Abogado con despacho en Girona, CONSULTA GRATUITA Estranjería, família, tráfico, reclamaciones. . .
Advocat amb despatx a Girona ofereix serveis a tota la provincia, amb possibilitat de desplaçament segons les necessitats del client. CONSULTA GRATUÏTA.
Advocat especialista en accidents de trànsit. Oferim un tracte personalitzat en el seguiment del client. Cobrem quan a vostè li paguen i només si ho fan.
A INVERCAT GIRONA comptem amb un ampli i expert grup d advocats especialitzats en diverses àrees del dret, així com licitacions i operacions immobiliàries. Ens posem a la seva disposició per solucionar el seu conflicte, garantint que serà absolutamen
Assessoria Jurídica i d empreses cerca advocats per contractar-los per expedients. Laboral, Civil, Familiar, Circulació, Mercantil/Financer , Administratiu/Estrangria, Inmobiliari i Penal. Envia currículum a info@assessorament. cat
We are looking for a lawyer to work in an aviation company in Peniscola. Candidates must be colegiados and speak English fluently. Implementation of the Spanish contract law is a big plus. Please send your CV including covering letter to spanishrecru
LAWYERS in Spain. Our duty to you, our clients, require us to act with skill and care, reasonable promptness and courtesy. We solve any legal issue you might have with vast experience, our solicitors are highly experienced in providing legal advice t
We specialised in judicial and out of court settlements. Ranging from penal, civil, commercial matters and many more. We solve any legal issue you might have with vast experience with our solicitors being highly experienced in providing legal advice
936917350 abogado advocat gratis www. pallaresfernandez. com consulta gratis con abogado en nuestro despacho de sabadell o cerdanyola del valles (barcelona). presupuesto sin compromiso y acorde a resultado. 5 letrados y economistas a su servicio -cas
Atrium advocats i assessors és un despatx multidisciplinar desenvolupat per la motivació désser un despatx de referència a nivell local, oferint serveis juridics, administratius i fiscals a particulars, professionals i empreses. la nostra filosofia,
Benvingut a DEUMAL JUBANY ADVOCATS Conegui el nostre despatx així com també les seves àrees despecialització. La nostra filosofia és el tracte personal, de tu a tu, per poder entendre millor la seva situació i d aquesta manera elaborar una solució
We act with skill and care, reasonable promptness and courtesy at all times, being specialised in judicial and out of court settlements, ranging from penal, civil, commercial matters and many more. We solve any legal issue you might have with vast ex
Torrevieja based solicitors. We are based in Torrevieja - Orihuela Costa - Alicante but are active throughout the country. We specialise in judicial and out of court settlements, ranging from penal, civil, commercial matters and many more. We solve a
We act with skill and care, reasonable promptness and courtesy at all times, being specialised in judicial and out of court settlements, ranging from penal, civil, commercial matters and many more. We solve any legal issue you might have with vast ex
Our duty to you, our clients, require us to act with skill and care, reasonable promptness and courtesy. We solve any legal issue you might have with vast experience, our solicitors are highly experienced in providing legal advice to a wide range of
We act with skill and care, reasonable promptness and courtesy at all times, being specialised in judicial and out of court settlements, ranging from penal, civil, commercial matters and many more. We solve any legal issue you might have with vast ex
TusGestio Advocats - Administradores de Fincas: Especialista en Derecho Laboral, Civil y Penal, Reclamacion de cantidades y Morosidad, Fiscalidad para Autonomos, Altas y Bajas de la Seguridad Social, Declaracion de Rentas, IRPF, IVA, Declaracione Tri
Spanish Solicitor offers her services in matter reffering to Spanish Legal System. Reliability garantied. Office in Calahonda. Call 699939883