Ciudad: Malaga
Oferta: Masajistas en Malaga
Publicado: 2015-12-12
Vistas: 3
Número de serie:Glzqb2A9
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Your center of massages in malaga a place of encounter between sensations: ear, smell, sight, taste and tact. obtaining a balance between body, mind and spirit with corporal and energy massage. a concept innovator of the massage, fusing thousand-year-old therapies of massages of thai tradition, with own therapies of massages of the european massage. only in naisha massage center. all days open. call to reserved
Space dedicated to the easing and to the massage. The unique place in Malaga center. Relaxing massages inspired by the traditional oriental medicineMassages from 30 Euros 40 minutes. Thermal stretchers, natural warm oils, music relax, rooms climatic,
Nuestras masajistas se trasladan por ti. masajes relajantes de tradicon oriental , con los que aliviar tensiones, mejorar musculatura y estimular los sentidos y energias. desconecta y date un momento de bienestar en tu habitacion de hotel con la mism
NAISHA MASSAGE CENTER es un espacio creado tanto para mujeres como para hombres amantes del masaje relajante. Masajes inspirados en la medicina tradicional oriental, fusiones perfectas de India, Tailandia, Japon , China. . . . Tecnicas nunca antes co
Hi! I am a 32 years old Spanish teacher with experience in teaching Spanish language in Ireland for few years, getting very good results. Lessons could be take at my place or yours and get very cheap prices. Group discounts too. -----------Hola! Soy
The most important thing to consider for your investment is Location, and Location . . . This is the perfect location for an investment Building 50 meters from Picasso s birth house in Málaga city and the museums , All exterior with 12 balconies to t
Abre en pleno centro de Malaga NAISHA MASSAGE CENTER , un lujar pàra el bienestar corporal y mental. disponemos de un espectacular estudio dedicado al yoga, pilate y meditacion. Grupos reducidos. Mejora tu nivel de vida, consigue progresivamente fort
Naisha center te trae un espacio particular y único , para las disciplinas de pilates, yoga y meditación. una sala preparada para grupos reducidos, dando calidad y mayor rendimiento al ejercicio. horarios adaptados, diferentes niveles, vestuarios. cl
Taller intensivo en el que aprenderas una técnica natural y eficaz para combatir los signos de la edad. Con tan solo 15 minutos que dediques a ejercitar los músculos faciales delante del espejo podrás conseguir resultados sorprendentes en pocas seman
Opens in flat heart of Malaga an urban oasis dedicated to the easing and wellness. Our philosophy centres on the Thai tradition of wellness, meetings certifications to offer you disconnect, You can come without previous appointment and give you your
opens in the center of Malaga an authentic urban oasis of the massage. Specialists in natural therapies and the traditional massage - thai. We give our therapies in stretcher and futon. for the lovers of the well-being and easing, offer authentic mee
Center of relaxing oriental massages in the center of malaga. near the museum picasso. thai massage, massage buckshot, massage shiatsu. the unique place to disconnect and to relax. call and make your reservation. from monday until friday 9: 00 to 10:
Naisha fusion massage , we fuse the beginning of the thai massage, ayurvedico and tuina (chinese origin). let s sense beforehand a spectacular session where to perceive with five sensest is practised in stretcher, with essential oils. it es only in n
Malaga center flat for rent long season 500 / month or sale. With two bedrooms. A nicely decorated bathroom with bathtub. 5th floor with lift inside. It is considered that the description and the prices indicated for the properties for sale on this
We fuse the beginning of the Thai massage, Ayurvedico and Tuina (Chinese origin). Let s sense beforehand a spectacular session where to perceive with five senses. Full easing, improvement of the musculature. Balance between body and mind. Recommended
Malaga center flat for rent long season 500 / month or sale. With two bedrooms. A nicely decorated bathroom with bathtub. 5th floor with lift inside. It is considered that the description and the prices indicated for the properties for sale on this
NO EROTIC. Gabinet at Jaime III - Calle Bonaire. Masseuse. 9 years of experience. Degree in sports science. Osteopath (AIFROMM, Italy). 2 kind of treatments: 1. Massage and treatment of spasms and pain, mainly on the back. Prices: 35e 1h. Periodic ma
Naisha Massage Center trae a Malaga el milenario masaje tradicional Tailandes. Nuestro ritual Tai esta pensado para quienes buscan una plena relajación, mejorar problemas posturales, aliviar tensiones, combatir el estrés, rejuvenecer su piel, ganar f
Naisha massage center es un centro de nueva apertura en pleno centro malagueño. nuestras terapias son la fusion de tecnicas milenarias tradiconales orientales. masajes y rituales para aliviar tensiones, mejorar patologiaas posturales o musculares, co
aisha massage center, today on Saturday opened of 10: 00 to 20: 00. Space dedicated to the art of the oriental traditional massage. A center dedicated to the well-being and the relax. natural therapies with thermal stretchers, natural warm oils. The
APARTAMENTO EN MADRID EN CAMBERI, CAMBIO POR MALAG. SE PERMUTA P MALAGA En chamberi, metro en la puerta reformado amueblado. Se vende Y PERMUTA apartamento precioso, recien reformado, dos dormitorios, cocina y baño independientes, salon. aire acondic
APARTAMENTO EN MADRID EN CAMBERI, CAMBIO POR MALAG. SE PERMUTA P MALAGA En chamberi, metro en la puerta reformado amueblado. Se vende Y PERMUTA apartamento precioso, recien reformado, dos dormitorios, cocina y baño independientes, salon. aire acondic
Vendo tabla Naish Nalu 9, 6x28. Está muy cuidada sin toques ni reparaciones, protector de cantos, tres quillas de panel de abeja, soporte para GoPro, leash, grip y funda. Se incluye remo de fibra Naish. Tabla para travesías y olas. Malaga capital. Te
NAISHA MASSAGE CENTER a partir del lunes 21 tiene disponible su servicio de masajista a hoteles. nosotras nos desplazamos por ti. con la misma calidad y el mismo trato para personas que neceitan desconectar. de lunes a sabado de 9: 00 a 21: 00. taxi