Ciudad: Cordoba
Oferta: Cursos de inglés en Córdoba
Publicado: 2015-10-12
Vistas: 2
Número de serie:ndDp0pkn
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I m a Spanish philologist and I want to exchange conversation classes Spanish-English with an English native speaker this academic year 2015/2016. To establish the conditions contact by email. Soy española, filóloga hispánica, e intercambio clases de conversación con un hablante nativo de inglés para este año académico 2015/2016. Interesados contactad por correo electrónico para acordar las condiciones.
Free language exchange (English - Spanish). Intercambio de idiomas gratuito (conversación) con nativos Ingleses y Españoles. En Cabo de Palos, La Manga, La Manga Club o Los Belones.
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Spanish male looking for english exchange between Málaga and Fuengirola. I can help you with your spanish, grammar, speaking etc. Need correction of my english mistakes. Whatsapp
Hello!If you are looking for a language exchange we invite you to join us today at www. LanguageLinker. com completely free and easy to use. You can search for native speakers from around the world and in your own location, so We hope you find it fun
Hello! I can teach spanish, so I, m a teacher and you can help me to improve my english. Only conversation, I need fluency and improve my accent. We can exchange languages, and learn a lot free!!!! : D
Hi! We are an online community for language exchanges which is completely free and easy to use. You can search for native speakers from around the world and in your own location, so we invite you to join us today at www. LanguageLinker. com We hope y
I offer Spanish and Italian language conversation in exchange for French, German, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese. Other languages may be considered. Free of charge, no payment. Please contact me via email, I am a Spanish native speaker from South Amer
Hi! We are an online community for language exchanges which is completely free and easy to use. You can search for native speakers from around the world and in your own location, so we invite you to join us today at www. LanguageLinker. com We hope y
vendo libro ingles Oxford Exchange student, s book 2 de 2º de la eso es de oxford en perfecto estado, el libro solo 12 euros , el libro y dos cuadernos de actividades 15 euros, soy de san vicente en alicante , teléfono seiscientos treinta y siete set
vendo libro ingles oxford exchange students book 4 de 4º de la eso es de oxford en perfecto estado, regalo el cuadernillo, soy de san vicente en alicante , teléfono seiscientos treinta y siete setenta y cinco once cero siete. tengo wasap, mirar bien
I am a Spanish woman and live in Madrid, around city center. I am looking for a Languages Exchange, (Spanish English), with a native speaker. We can learn while having fun and I can show you a bit about Spanish culture!!. Soy una chica española y v
Soy coordinadora del intercambio de idiomas gratis para Gran Canaria. Quedamos para practicar conversación en inglés, español, alemán y francés etc por toda la isla. Contacta conmigo para saber mas o si necesitas ayuda para encontrar a un profesor pa
Hi, I d like to exchange English-Spanish conversations; just native speakers only. I lived abroad and I need to keep or improve my English for my job. Thank you ! Sarah.
I am a spanish woman aged 51. i would like to exchange english-spanish conversation with a native english person. i like reading, cinema, theatre, music, walking, mountain, beach, restaurants. . .
Pack completo sin usar del curso de ingles OXFORD EXCHANGE Teacher s Resource Pack 4, que contiene el libro Teacher s Guide 4 , los cuadernillos Higher-Level tests-level 4 , Tests-level 4 , Worksheets-level 4 y Drama activities-level 4 mas el CD-ROM
Learn and practice your Spanish with a native speaker in a language exchange. Spanish Boy, 41, looking for lenguaje exchange between Fuengirola and Málaga. Please contact by private message. . Thanks
HI! My name is Juan, (31 years old), I live in Malaga city and I would like to improve and practice my english (B1) with a native person. If you are in Malaga, we could exchange FREE your english for my spanish. We could meet and drink something, I c
I m looking for a English person for exchange language. Your English for my Spanish. I m Learning English and I need to practise it in the south of Tenerife
Vendo libro de inglés de 1º ESO Oxford Exchange, editorial Oxford, buen estado. Mando a toda la península y contesto whatsapp. ISBN 0-19-438250-8
Hi, I m a spanish male looking for an exchange with english native. I need to improve my conversation because I m probably going abroad in the future. I have upper intermediate ock level in english and I can help with your spanish, whatever the level
Se vende libro de ingles y el workbook de 2 de la eso editorial oxford exchange ben wetz isbn libro 978-0-19-438262-5 worbook 978-0-19-438267-0. Se venden las 2 cosas por 15 euros
Vendo libros de ingles exchange 4º eso de la editorial oxford su precio es 12. - cuardenillo escrito a lapiz por 6. - envio a cualquier lugar de españa
MCSE: Messaging Core Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 70-341 Advanced Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 70-342 Libros en ingles sobre Exchange 2013 Videotutoriales en castellano sobre Exchange 2013 Laboratorios oficiales del curs