Ciudad: Valencia
Oferta: Otras en Valencia ciudad, valencia
Publicado: 2015-09-12
Vistas: 2
Número de serie:GN2wj02G
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Are you a person who is busy or does not have the opportunity and the time to clean your house, or walk your dog? Do not hesitate call us!
Kind, loving and responsible, Registered Occupational Therapist provides O. T Home Service for Stroke and neurological Rehab. Alzheimer. Dementia. Functional impairment due to illness, aging or injuries. THERAPY: Activities of Daily Living Rehab. Pro
We offer home service massage, we go to your villa, finca, or boat, and also we offer massages in our center in Palma de Mallorca. MORE INFO: WWW. MALLORCAMASAJES. COM www. homemassagemallorca. com www. mobilemassagemallorca. blogspot. com
masaje a domicilio. . . home-service masaje ayurvedico - quiromasaje - quiropractico - terapia dorn
Specialist degree in gel nails, porcelain ( acrylic ) shellac , offers home service. Price: Gel or Acril Full Set - > 30 euro Refill - > 20 euros, Shellac -> 18 euros. Asks for information on 642 46 88 03(Whatsapp, Viber).
Specialist degree in gel nails, porcelain ( acrylic ) shellac , offers home service. Price: Gel or Acril Full Set - > 30 euro Refill - > 20 euros, Shellac -> 18 euros. Asks for information on 642 46 88 03
Repair of computers and laptops Service at home Installation of Wifi and lan network Installation of Software (windows XP, Windows 7) Changing any part of your PC. Troubleshooting software Troubleshooting Hardware Removal of viruses, spyware and adwa
hello i am able to help you hourly, wih launry, ironing, cleaning, walking dogs, ligh cooking. . . i am an acive, hard working, responsible, reliable and nice person. . . if you are on vacations or temporary at the iland, or just living at, i will be
Perform babysitting , we have children , bouncy entertainers. We provide tutoring by trained people in different fields from primary to access test . We clean homes, apartments , care for your garden . We also take care of your pet , your dog walked
Elaboramos diseños y/o cálculos estructurales, integrales, parciales o puntuales para proyectos Arquitectónicos o Construcciones singulares. Cimentaciones; especiales, elásticas, profundas. Edificaciones altas, grandes luces Diseño de Estructuras din
Hello , my name is Carlos . I am a Spanish man 35y. o. If you are abroad and you need some help at home or your work. As you need anything , translation, assistance in moving , your office address . Here I am. Very good looks , educated and traveled.
Diseño, confección, reformas y arreglos en todo tipo de prendas. Para damas, caballeros, niños, novias, madrinas, fiesta, trajes de gitana, comunion, trajes, ropa de casa. Posible servicio a domicilio, precios muy economicos. Gracias. Design, manufac
Confía en manos profesionales: Masaje Relajante, Descontracturante, reflexologia, Masaje Deportivo, contra el estress. un momento único para ti donde podrás disfrutar de una mayor relajación y confort(tengo mi propio centro) Profesional maseur gives
2743847//6649573 home service line whirlpool servicio tecnico a domicilio garantizado contamos con tecnicos altamente calificados dispuestos a resolver su problema al instante. no lo dude mas y llamenos tlf 2743847 //6649573 ahorre su tiempo y lleve
Señora responsable y seria, se ofrece para ayuda en el hogar, limpieza plancha, incluso Sabados y Domingos. con coche. Idiomas ingles y español. zonas Estepona , San pedro, Marbella Lady responsible and serious, offers to help at home, iron cleaning,
Elaboramos diseños y/o cálculos estructurales, integrales, parciales o puntuales para proyectos Arquitectónicos o Construcciones. Cimentaciones; especiales, elásticas. Edificaciones altas Diseño de Estructuras dinámicas y sismo-resistente Concentraci
I m looking for people who can teach me to talk and write in English. As part of the revenge I can help with home repairs or taking care of the offices of Spanish. Those interested, please contact us. The best people are living close to Crevillente,
i am hairdresser, all type of hairstyles black america style, i work home service, i based in malaga, call my number if you want home service, 632814964.
A family from Bulgaria is looking for a job about home service - to look after a house, a garden, a swimming pool, cooking, etc. She is 36 years old, he is 38 years old. If you have children, we can teach them to play to piano, akordeon. We are music
Elaboramos diseños estructurales, proyectos integrales, parciales o puntuales para Construcciones singulares. Cimentaciones; especiales, elásticaS. profundas. Edificaciones altas, grandes luces Diseño de Estructuras dinámicas y sismo-resistente. Conc
Beauty & Personalized service at home or Hotel, Stylist: Spa manicure and pedicure, glazed standard - French gel nail design, fantasy or color. - Professional Make-hair extensions eyelashes very natural hair, permanent and dye-eyebrows-face treatment
We are a father and unemployed daughter long, knowing all domestic services to be performed. Cleaning, maintenance, painting, gardening, messaging, food menus, shopping for menus etc, we make your life easier, real good prices tailored to any economy
I am a german qualified massage therapist and learned also linfatic drainage, facials, pedicure, manicure and holistic massages. I work in your home and bring the massage table or beauty equipment along in the area of Marbella, San Pedro, Estepona, S
We give your home interior a fresh new look bedrooms living and front rooms kitchens and bathrooms windows and trim Our exterior services include: Removal of old paint Cleaning, sanding, priming as needed Fresh paint, color of your choice Both out ex