Ciudad: Zaragoza
Oferta: Idiomas en Zaragoza
Publicado: 2015-06-29
Vistas: 3
Número de serie:6GJOrwD8
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Clases particulares, o grupos reducidos de 2 o 3. Descuentos de precio según cantidad de horas-alumno(s).
Complete First Certificate for Spanish Speakers Student s Book with respuestas y CD-ROM. Ideal para estudiantes de inglés. Nivel B1. Gastos de envío incluido. ISBN 978-0-521-69826-9
Complete First Certificate for Spanish Speakers Workbook con respuestas y Audio CD. Ideal para estudiantes de inglés. Nivel B1. ISBN 978-0-521-69832-0
Vendo libro de ingles 2º primaria Kid s Box for Spanish Speakers 2 Pupil s Book en buen estado. ISBN 9788483235898
Libro Ingles: Kid s Box for Spanish Speakers 6 Pupil s Book (Inglés) Isbn: 9788483236680 (10) y Kid s Box for Spanish Speakers 6 Activity Book with CD-ROM and Language Portfolio Isbn: 9788483237922 (7). ISBN 9788483236680
English in Mind for Spanish Speakers Level 3 Student s Book, Estado usado aceptable. ISBN 9788483236420
A University English Grammar for Spanish Spkeakers. Sara M. Parkinson de Saz. ISBN 84-85823-00-1
Complete First Certificate. Student s Book without answers. Esta nuevo, solo los 2 primeros temas escritos y a lapiz, facilmente borrable.
Curso Completo en formato digital en Pdf y Mp3. Este curso enseña inglés americano estándar según lo hablado en los Estados Unidos. Instruccines en español. PIMSLEUR English 2: English for Spanish Speakers (Spanish Edition) incluyen 30 lecciones adic
Spanish course for english speakers. Private class. Start from zero. Price: 12 per hour. What are you waiting for? WHATSAPP: +34647947063 Blog: www. clasesvallecas. blogspot. com CLASES DE ESPAñOL
Spanish classes for english speakers with easy explanations. Need help with paperwork or just want to get the gist of things. . . . . classes in Narón, afternoons only. englishteacher2014(at)outlook(dot)com ask about pricing and availability, or use
I offer Spanish classes for English speakers of all ages and all levels. Private classes or group classes. Flexible meeting points. Phone or whatsapp.
Hey guys, I m a German native speaker with a high level of English looking for spanish classes in Gijon. Group or one by one, it doesn t matter. It s U R G E N T. : ) You can send me a whatsapp to my German number. 0049 175 2055000 Thank you! Melissa
Ukrainian for English speakers via Skype! A professional tutor! You can study Ukrainian and improve your English at the same time! I graduated from the pedagogical university. I have a Master s degree in languages. The work experience is 16 years wit
I looking for English person to exchange language your English for my Spanish in the South Of Tenerife. .
Meddeas is looking for an English native graduate willing to live a fantastic experience, teaching in a school in Algeciras as an English language assistant for 3 months, starting in October 2015. You will deliver 20 teaching hours a week of conversa
Libro para preparar ingles. Workbook incluido. Nivel B1 B2. Gastos de envío no incluidos. ISBN 978-84-832-3598-0
Negrito con ingles busca chica guapa por su casttellano
Compact First For Spanish Speakers 2016 Método compacto para preparar en 50-60 horas lectivas el nuevo modelo de Cambridge English First Certificate con las últimas actualizaciones para este año revisando las 4 partes del exámen. Ideal para usar junt
Objective First Certificate. Incluye 3 libros diferentes: Student s Book, Workbook y 100 Tips for Spanish speakers. Editorial Cambridge
Objective First for Spanish Speakers Self-Study Pack (Student s Book with answers) CD y listening and Workbook Esta sin rallar y muy nuevo Atiendo whatsapp. ISBN 9788483236918
se vende English in Mind for Spanish Speakers 2 Student s Book with 9788483239636 y English in Mind for Spanish Speakers 2 Workbook with 9788483238417 Audio CD perfecto estado, se vende las dos cosas 20 euros
English unlimited for spanish speakers intermediate class audio cds AUDIOS NECESARIOS PARA EL LIBRO DE TEXTO.